Every day we navigate through our visual world by using  pictographs, like international road signs or corporate logos. So throughout this site the designers have decided to experiment a little by leaving most labels off and allowing you to explore on your own.  Remember most of play and learning is exploring new places and things – so come play in our sand box. We’d love to know your opintion of “Labeless Design”.
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745 c
Every day we navigate through our visual world by using  pictographs, like international road signs or corporate logos. So throughout this site the designers have decided to experiment a little by leaving most labels off and allowing you to explore on your own.  Remember most of play and learning is exploring new places and things – so come play in our sand box. We’d love to know your opintion of “Labeless Design”.
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
Sometimes you get into a rut doing projects. For some reason I started doing every thing with a box around it. Not that everything this company made came in standard metal box called a can had any influence on me - Yeah RIGHT. Do you see the telephone key pad?
This brochure depicts telephone line testing which is usually done in the middle of the night. Look close and you’ll see the city in the background?
This colorful brochure tells a story of what happens when all the computers go down in a large companies, everyone is on the phone to the IT guys.
This brochure was one of a marketing set that covered six market segments Health Care, Banking, Aero Space, Telecommunications, Broad- casting and Publishing. I not sure what I was thinking about at the time, maybe MRI's, Red Lining or perhaps the old Mac ad of tossing the hammer. What every, I think it turned out quite striking.
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
Sometimes you get into a rut doing projects. For some reason I started doing every thing with a box around it. Not that everything this company made came in standard metal box called a can had any influence on me - Yeah RIGHT. Do you see the telephone key pad?
This brochure depicts telephone line testing which is usually done in the middle of the night. Look close and you’ll see the city in the background?
This colorful brochure tells a story of what happens when all the computers go down in a large companies, everyone is on the phone to the IT guys.
This brochure was one of a marketing set that covered six market segments Health Care, Banking, Aero Space, Telecommunications, Broad- casting and Publishing. I not sure what I was thinking about at the time, maybe MRI's, Red Lining or perhaps the old Mac ad of tossing the hammer. What every, I think it turned out quite striking.
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
As I was posting this I started to think about how much technology has changed. At the time  I designed this DVX Digital Voice Exchange, better known as “Computerized Voice Mail” was cutting edge software. Now with those old telephone cord’s it looks more like buggy whips in the world of wireless communications.
I saw this micro photo-graphy of a bad circuit solder on and Engineer's desk one day and was stuck by it's beauty. Look carefully and you see another galaxy to explore or at least a new way to view our world.
A few of the hundreds of Business Cards
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
As I was posting this I started to think about how much technology has changed. At the time  I designed this DVX Digital Voice Exchange, better known as “Computerized Voice Mail” was cutting edge software. Now with those old telephone cord’s it looks more like buggy whips in the world of wireless communications.
I saw this micro photo-graphy of a bad circuit solder on and Engineer's desk one day and was stuck by it's beauty. Look carefully and you see another galaxy to explore or at least a new way to view our world.
A few of the hundreds of Business Cards
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
NOTICE: All the cartoons on this page require the Adobe Flash Player:
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
NOTICE: All the cartoons on this page require the Adobe Flash Player:
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
his is a place where we make *PIXEL’ s sing and Swirl to tell stories about a product's features and performance. Sometimes it's in the form of illustrationa desktop publishing and printing. Sometimes it's web site designing and animations.   Founded in 1972 PIXEL SWIRL, has been creating business graphics for all types of companies as you'll see in our many examples. We provide these communication services by blending creative design, technical accuracy and a sense of humor. Enjoy your stay and if you see something you like be sure to let us know. Our designers are always waiting to help you with you next project. Bob Clark - CEO *Pixel: The base element of a digital imaging in computer graphics.  Swirl: A swirling movement; whirl; eddy
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
his is a place where we make *PIXEL’ s sing and Swirl to tell stories about a product's features and performance. Sometimes it's in the form of illustrationa desktop publishing and printing. Sometimes it's web site designing and animations.   Founded in 1972 PIXEL SWIRL, has been creating business graphics for all types of companies as you'll see in our many examples. We provide these communication services by blending creative design, technical accuracy and a sense of humor. Enjoy your stay and if you see something you like be sure to let us know. Our designers are always waiting to help you with you next project. Bob Clark - CEO *Pixel: The base element of a digital imaging in computer graphics.  Swirl: A swirling movement; whirl; eddy
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745
PIXEL SWIRL STUDIOS      22 EDWARD ROAD     TOWNSEND MA   01469      978.424.3745